Food for thought

"Every Girl in the World Oughtta Be Daddy's girl
but the World Isn't Open to Reason"

"Fool for All" by Daryl Erentzen

(used by permission)

Sunday, April 15, 2018

For My Fellow Authors and Survivors Friends

Hello Everyone! JC here. Not long ago, I was honored to be invited by Tamar Sloan to submit the article below. Just click the link. Tamar is a psychologist and author. Make sure you look around her website. She has heaps of good information on topics relevant to survivors and the people who love us.

My Latest Article!


  1. Being a survivor of incest, I understand the trauma and life long effects of what these men do to children. I went through school without any real friends, never participating in my life. As an adult, I went through several relationships where I was used and then my children, unable to get away because of his threats to kill them and me. (They were very, very real and he was capable of carrying them out.)

    Being a writer, I have written about how rape affects a person in my latest book and am working on one about a child who goes through years of trauma based on the story of a girl I met in passing. What hurts most for me was when I wasn't believed by the authorities until I showed them the fingermarks on my neck and the bruises on my abdomen.

    I read your article in the newsletter Tamar sends out. Like you, I'm not afraid to say what happened, how it led to disastrous relationships and my struggle to get my act together. What worked, learning it wasn't my fault, I'm not damaged goods and I am a wonderful person who is worthy of friends and a good man. I now have one and a great job and am enjoying life to it's fullest. What still hurts is how it took me until I was in my fifties to get there. Today, I am using my ability to write to give glimpses into the life of an abused woman (abuse as in all types as I've experienced them all) and how there is hope out there once you realized you can take control of your life and change it. It isn't easy, but you can do it.

    1. Thank you for sharing your story Barbara. By joining our voices together, we form an unstoppable force to end this tragedy.
